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Distribuitori independenti de

Asigurari de Sanatate Private

Punem interesul clientilor nostri in frunte si alegem impreuna cel mai potrivit plan de asigurare.

Pentru Tine si Familie
BUPA Global
CIGNA Global
Romania + UE
Romania + Ungaria
ASIROM ConfortMed
Pentru Tine si Angajati
Romania + Ungaria
ASIROM - GrupMed

Pe scurt despre IQ MED

Ladislau CSORBA, CEO

Singurul distribuitor independent de asigurari de sanatate private din Romania, IQ MED compara obiectiv cele mai bune produse existente pe piata mondiala si nationala, pentru a le selecta pe cele mai potrivite in functie de nevoile fiecarui client. Planurile selectate sunt disponibile atat pentru persoane fizice, cat si pentru companii.

Reprezentam cu succes asiguratori internationali, precum BUPA, CIGNA, Allianz Care, Generali Medihelp, Signal Iduna s.a., si asiguratori din Romania precum Allianz Tiriac, Asirom, Groupama s.a.

Gaseste planul de asigurare

ce ti se potriveste


  Oferte obiective de la toti asiguratorii
  Libera alegere a locului de tratament
  Acoperire internationala si nationala
  Limite generoase ale sumelor asigurate
  Operatii, transplant, proteze si spitalizari
  Tratament de cancer acoperit integral
   Decontare directa cu spitalul
  Prelungire fara penalizari si excluderi in caz de imbolnavire;

    Iti oferim consultanta gratuita in alegerea celei mai bune asigurari pentru tine!

    Acoperire Internationala

    Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.

    Asigurarile de sanatate private cu acoperire internationala, ofera libertate totala in alegerea clinicii oriunde in Europa sau pe tot globul, dar si linistea ca vei primi cele mai bune servicii fara a-ti fi afectata stabilitatea financiara. Acest tip de asigurare permite tratamentul unor boli grave cum ar fi cancerul, dar acopera si acte medicale de scurta durata, cum ar fi operatii, investigatii in ambulatoriu sau tratamente stomatologice.

    Acoperire Nationala

    Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.

    Asigurarile de sanatate private cu acoperire nationala acopera costurile cu serviciile medicale in caz de accident si/sau imbolnavire pentru tine si familia ta, atat in regim ambulatoriu cat si spitalizare, la clinici private sau de stat in Romania.


    Medicine WordPress Theme

    This is a WordPress theme made by power elite author.

    Pentru copii

    We pride ourselves on our prompt service experience.

    Pentru Calatorie

    Consequently, one finds a severe weight gain and thus opens the door to various other diseases.

    Pentru Studenti

    This also affects the metabolism and digestion of food.

    Pentru viza de sedere

    The company provides comprehensive state-of-the-art services include body imaging.

    Pentru tine si familie

    We strive for early diagnosis and preventive methods.

    |Pentru Companii

    Numerous hospitals also forward their critical cases to us because.

    Other Departments:


    Help at Home

    We pride ourselves on our prompt service experience.

    Small Injuries

    Consequently, one finds a severe weight gain and thus opens the door to various other diseases.

    Retirement Home

    This also affects the metabolism and digestion of food.


    The company provides comprehensive state-of-the-art services include body imaging.


    We strive for early diagnosis and preventive methods.


    Numerous hospitals also forward their critical cases to us because.

    About Us

    About Us
    Located in the heart of the city, MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Though no clear-cut evidence has yet been established, studies indicate that people who live under stress are more prone to heart attacks than individuals who take steps to mitigate stress from their life.
    Here, almost all types of cardiovascular disorders are treated including coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart muscle disease, heart failure, heart valve disease, peripheral vascular disease and all kind of defects.
    The hospital guarantees safety with strict adherence to all radiation safety guidelines. Extreme care is taken to ensure that none is exposed to an unnecessary amount of radiation and that the images are of an impeccable high quality.
    Trust our board certified and fellow trained ophthalmologists to offer you a complete range of comprehensive, sub-specialty, surgical as well as non-invasive treatments for any of the eye area like the retina, vitreous humor, cornea, glaucoma, strabismus corrections and oculoplastics.

    Latest News

    Medicine WordPress Theme

    This is a WordPress theme made by power elite author.

    Medicine WordPress Theme

    This is a WordPress theme made by power elite author.

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